### NOTE: Before you install this file, be sure you know the location of ### the system 'font.prf' file that ToME currently uses. # This file changes the ASCII symbol of you, the player, according to your # race and subrace (in principle, you could also adjust by class [the # necessary modifications to achieve this should be Intuitively # Obvious(TM)], but I never bothered). The "?:" lines indicate the # conditions under which the following modifications should be applied; the # "R:0:0xMM:0xNN" lines specify the actual modifications, where 0xMM and # 0xNN are hexidecimal numbers specifying, respectively, the desired color # and character to use, as shown below. As a special case, the hexidecimal # number 0x00 means to use whatever color or character is already currently # in force from earlier modifications or from the original game default of # a white '@'. # # To use this file, make any modifications you want (particularly check the # end of the file for a modification you may *need* to make), and then copy # it into your .tome/2.3/ directory, or wherever your ToME user files live. # Colors: # 0x04: Red 0x08: Black 0x0C: Light Red # 0x01: White 0x05: Green 0x09: Light Gray 0x0D: Light Green # 0x02: Gray 0x06: Blue 0x0A: Violet 0x0E: Light Blue # 0x03: Orange 0x07: Brown 0x0B: Yellow 0x0F: Light Brown # Characters: # 0x30: 0 0x40: @ 0x50: P 0x60: ` 0x70: p # 0x21: ! 0x31: 1 0x41: A 0x51: Q 0x61: a 0x71: q # 0x22: " 0x32: 2 0x42: B 0x52: R 0x62: b 0x72: r # 0x23: # 0x33: 3 0x43: C 0x53: S 0x63: c 0x73: s # 0x24: $ 0x34: 4 0x44: D 0x54: T 0x64: d 0x74: t # 0x25: % 0x35: 5 0x45: E 0x55: U 0x65: e 0x75: u # 0x26: & 0x36: 6 0x46: F 0x56: V 0x66: f 0x76: v # 0x27: ' 0x37: 7 0x47: G 0x57: W 0x67: g 0x77: w # 0x28: ( 0x38: 8 0x48: H 0x58: X 0x68: h 0x78: x # 0x29: ) 0x39: 9 0x49: I 0x59: Y 0x69: i 0x79: y # 0x2A: * 0x3A: : 0x4A: J 0x5A: Z 0x6A: j 0x7A: z # 0x2B: + 0x3B: ; 0x4B: K 0x5B: [ 0x6B: k 0x7B: { # 0x2C: , 0x3C: < 0x4C: L 0x5C: \ 0x6C: l 0x7C: | # 0x2D: - 0x3D: = 0x4D: M 0x5D: ] 0x6D: m 0x7D: } # 0x2E: . 0x3E: > 0x4E: N 0x5E: ^ 0x6E: n 0x7E: ~ # 0x2F: / 0x3F: ? 0x4F: O 0x5F: _ 0x6F: o # Humans are unchanged. ?:[EQU $RACE Human] R:0:0x00:0x00 # Half-elves and Elves become a light gray 'h'. ?:[EQU $RACE Half-Elf] R:0:0x09:0x68 ?:[EQU $RACE Elf] R:0:0x09:0x68 # Hobbits become a gray 'h'. ?:[EQU $RACE Hobbit] R:0:0x02:0x68 # Gnomes and Dwarves become a light brown 'h' ?:[EQU $RACE Gnome] R:0:0x0F:0x68 ?:[EQU $RACE Dwarf] R:0:0x0F:0x68 # Orcs become a light brown 'o'. ?:[EQU $RACE Orc] R:0:0x0F:0x6F # Trolls become a green 'T'. ?:[EQU $RACE Troll] R:0:0x05:0x54 # Dunedain are unchanged. ?:[EQU $RACE Dunadan] R:0:0x00:0x00 # High-Elves become a white 'h'. ?:[EQU $RACE High-Elf] R:0:0x01:0x68 # Half-Ogres become an orange 'O'. ?:[EQU $RACE Half-Ogre] R:0:0x03:0x4F # Beornings become a brown 'q'. ?:[EQU $RACE Beorning] R:0:0x06:0x71 # Kobolds become a green 'k'. ?:[EQU $RACE Kobold] R:0:0x05:0x6B # Petty-Dwarves become an orange 'h'. ?:[EQU $RACE Petty-Dwarf] R:0:0x03:0x68 # Dark-Elves become a black (actually dark gray) 'h'. ?:[EQU $RACE Dark-Elf] R:0:0x08:0x68 # Ents become a green '#'. ?:[EQU $RACE Ent] R:0:0x0D:0x23 # RohanKnights are unchanged. ?:[EQU $RACE RohanKnight] R:0:0x00:0x00 # Thunderlords become a green 'B'. ?:[EQU $RACE Thunderlord] R:0:0x05:0x42 # DeathMolds become a black (actually dark gray) 'm'. ?:[EQU $RACE DeathMold] R:0:0x08:0x6D # Yeeks become a brown 'y'. ?:[EQU $RACE Yeek] R:0:0x07:0x79 # Wood-Elves become a light green 'h'. ?:[EQU $RACE Wood-Elf] R:0:0x0D:0x68 # Maiar are unchanged. ?:[EQU $RACE Maia] R:0:0x00:0x00 # As currently set, none of the subraces change your color, only your # character. # Vampires become 'V'. ?:[EQU $RACEMOD Vampire] R:0:0x00:0x56 # Spectres become 'G'. ?:[EQU $RACEMOD Spectre] R:0:0x00:0x47 # Skeletons become 's'. ?:[EQU $RACEMOD Skeleton] R:0:0x00:0x73 # Zombies become 'z'. ?:[EQU $RACEMOD Zombie] R:0:0x00:0x7A # Barbarians, Hermits and LostSouls are unchanged. ?:[EQU $RACEMOD Barbarian] R:0:0x00:0x00 ?:[EQU $RACEMOD Hermit] R:0:0x00:0x00 ?:[EQU $RACEMOD LostSoul] R:0:0x00:0x00 # Remember I said above that you need to know where ToME's system font.prf # file is? Well, this is why: you need to enter it below, after the "%:", # to tell ToME to process the system font.prf file now that it's done # processing this one. ?:1 %:/usr/local/lib/tome23/pref/font.prf